
My daughter, Caitlin, is like something from a dream. Though I never expected to have her and though she was a miracle-beat-the-odds-gift-from-God child, I couldn't imagine my life without her. I love her more than I love myself. My biggest worry is that I will be any kind of disappointment to her. Of course, I do know that no parent is perfect (me included), but I have tried to do everything I can to raise her to be a proud, self-confident, happy, optimistic, intelligent child.

I hope that these soon-to-be teen years won't kill our relationship. She and I talk about everything now and it's simply wonderful. We spend so much time together that I actually recoil whenever I think about the day she's going to leave to start her new life as an adult (which, thank God, is not for at least 5 years). I definitely do not want to turn into one of those moms who can't let go - that clingy, intrusive, naggy mother who won't let her child be who she is.

Anyway, in case she ever reads this site of mine, I hope she knows that I am so proud of her, of who she is, of the decisions she makes, and the love that she brings to my life and so many others. She is the love of my life and I thank God for bringing her to me.

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